Simchat Beit ha Shoeivah
טל ועקנין
Simhat Beit ha Shoeivah
about the show
All the biggest hits of the Jewish music with the finest musical productions.
מִי שֶׁלֹּא רָאָה שִׂמְחַת בֵּית הַשּׁוֹאֵבָה - לֹא רָאָה שִׂמְחָה מִיָּמָיו.
וְלֹא הָיָה חָצֵר בִּירוּשָׁלַיִם שֶׁאֵינָהּ מְאִירָה מְאוֹר בֵּית הַשּׁוֹאֵבָה
Tal Vaknin
טל ועקנין
about Tal
Tal Vaknin, the Jewish Neshama (soul) and pop world wide known singer
in a special show for Simchat Beit ha Shueva .
טל ועקנין-מופע שמחת בית השואבה
Tal Vaknin-Simchat Beit HaShoeivah
טל ועקנין-שיר למעלות
Tal Vaknin-Shir La Ma'alot
All the best known songs
Original Performance
טל ועקנין-מודה אני ב4 שפות שונות
Tal Vaknin-Modeh Ani in 4 different languages
Original music
טל ועקנין-ענני בשירים
Tal Vaknin-Aneni Ba Shirim
Tal Vaknin- Neshama (Soul) and pop singer and composer , one of the most profound singers of the Jewish music . Tal Performed in hundreds of concerts , weddings and festivals in Jewish communities around the world, from Israel to Peru, Panama, Jamaica ,USA, Canada and more .
Tal Preforming since the age of 6 , armed with both original music and beautifully made covers of all known music so everyone can find something they enjoy.
Tal's singing touches the deepest places of the hart and plays the finest strings of the Soul, in his unique and pure voice and the most beautifully produced music Tal will take you to a Journey of Simcha and deepest feelings.
for more info contact the office at +972-547999641-Ella | talvsinger@gmail.com